02 September 2009

रैनबो शो - सफलता

इस शो में ज़ाहीर है - बा िरश होनी ही चाहीये थी और हुई भी |
मगर कलाकारों और कद्रदानों का हौसला - क्या बात है, कहेना पड़े !
इतनी ज़ोरदार बौछारों के बावजूद हमारा यानी की हम सब का ये शो सफल रहा कद्रदानों की और कलाकारों कीवजह से |

दूरदर्शन पर कवरेज भी
िमला और अखबार में भी बाकायदा एक अच्छा खासा ब्यौरा छ्पा 'तराना' के बारे में

बस येही तमन्ना और दुआ है की हमारे अपने तराना की तरक्की हो और साज़ बजते रहे, सुरीली आवाजों के साथ।



  1. Na samjho ki yoonhi thee woh barakha bahaar,
    Taraana ke gaayako ne chheda tha Raag Malhaar!


  2. Please see my comment for "Hammari yaad aayegi" article also. It is related to this article, but by mistake I posted in response to wrong article.


  3. Tarana is taking small but steady steps towards becoming a major force in Ahmedabad. The idea of selecting a particular theme for each programme is innovative and interesting. Barring one or two, most artistes have a long way to go before they can be called good performers (including me). Bhavesh's commentary is full of interesting anecdotes and information. Obviously he takes great pains to collect the titbits to make the programme more absorbing. All my best wishes. And yes, Kamalbhai was a good surprise. He can be given more songs.

  4. The above comment was from Nikhil Bakshi.

  5. Dear Snehalbhai,
    Nice Poem, thanks a lot. I read your other comments too. Feedbacks are very necessary as they work as the torchlight. Please keep visiting and kindly feel free to post comments.

    P.S. Good you suggested everyone to write the name at the end of the post. The other option is, you can choose 'Name/URL' from the dropdown box and post a comment with your name in the header itself.

  6. Dear Nikhilbhai,
    Thanks a bunch for the following.

    "The idea of selecting a particular theme for each programme is innovative and interesting."

    I also readily agree with you on the point that "Barring one or two, most artistes have a long way to go before they can be called good performers"

    We have already started working on next show and this time if we can send files to everyone well in advance, will have enough time and room before the performance.

    I am also working on the commentary part and have started collecting interesting anecdotes as usually.

    :) Thanks again for the comments and kindly feel free to suggest anything that you feel should be done or even shouldn't be done.
